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    Pilot News

      Bystander.net - Internet Communications.

      PalmPilot News (PPN) - 10th November 1997 Issue 2

      Welcome to the 2nd issue of PalmPilot News, the first to go out to all our new subscribers.
      The response to last weeks newsletter has been fantastic, with over a thousand subscribers reading this message, and, hopefully, enjoying their PalmPilot a little more.
      As we started, we plan to go on, and this week brings a selection of some great new software, some updates to the best of the web and a prelude to COMDEX in Las Vegas.
      On an administrative note to all our new subscribers, there were some glitches in the automated subscribe process, so many of you may not have received a subscription confirmation. We've fixed the bug, and tried to manually make sure the subscriber list is accurate, but if anyone is receiving multiple copies of this message, please contact
      help@bystander.net and we'll sort it out.
      If there is anything that we can do to improve PalmPilot News, let us know. Similarly, if you have a new product, or spot PalmPilots in the news (or catch a juicy rumour), make sure you drop a note to PalmPilot News at the following address.
      Finally, we wish to thank the sponsors who support PalmPilot News, make sure
      that you support them in turn, and let them know you saw them in PalmPilot News.

      - More news on the paging card from Motorola and PageMart Wireless. PageMart
      have issued a press release which confirms:
      + The device replaces the existing memory card, and sliding door
      + It includes 2Mb of RAM to replace the existing RAM
      + Will work with all Pilots and PalmPilots
      + Includes custom software to display messages, and links to the address book
      to look up incoming page sender, if present.
      + Can recieve messages up to 300 characters.
      + Will only be available in North America (street price $169)
      Full release at:

      - In developer news, Aportis Technologies Corp. has released a patch for the Metrowerks developer tools that dramatically reduces the time taken to test new Pilot code.
      "I patched the Pilot Simulator to help test our product BrainForest(tm), because I discovered that it did not use the full capacity of the computer, " said Florent Pillet of Aportis. "With it, we were able to complete testing much earlier than had been forecast."
      The patch, to an automated test tool called Gremlins, allows developers to generate large numbers of test events, to check for software anomalies, in a mush shorter time frame. The standard Gremlins tool takes several days to genarate 1 million simulated user interactions, but with the Aportis patch, such testing can be performed in a matter of hours.
      Interested developers can find more information at:

      Sponsor's Message----------------------------------------------------------------
      Finally, there is an easy way to do e-mail right from your PalmPilot Organizer.
      With PilotMail Online Service (
      http://www.pilotmail.net/ or 1-888-44PILOT),
      and a PalmPilot Modem, you can check and send e-mail from everywhere you are.

      - COMDEX is coming. PPN will be sending a representative to Las Vegas to report on all the latest PalmPilot News, including first sightings of the paging card, and possibly new PalmPilots. Michael would love to catch up with other PalmPilot users, so if you are going to COMDEX, drop him a line at:
      Next weeks issue will be a short issue, focusing on the latest from COMDEX.

      Got some news? Mail us:

      Sponsor's Message----------------------------------------------------------------
      Rhinoskin, the creators of the Titanium Cockpit, the definitive ruggedized
      hardcase for the PalmPilot/Workpad, are proud to announce 3 new PalmPilot products,
      the RhinoPaks. Check out
      www.rhinoskin.com for more info on the Titanium Cockpit
      and the new RhinoPak line of cases for the PalmPilot/Workpad.


      - Alpha version of Windows CE for PalmPilot:

      Spread your rumour anonymously by mailing:

      Media Sightings

      - David Boles article in GO INSIDE Magazine reviews BugMe!, Check-In and WeekView and includes some good screenshots.

      PC Week reports Lotus will ship PDA conduits to sync Notes data to the PalMPilot and Workpad in a story titled: Lotus synching Notes, Organizer to PDAs

      Send all your media sightings to:

      Sponsor's Message----------------------------------------------------------------
      If you're planning to deploy a corporate application using the PalmPilot
      platform, you need some way to connect all the handheld users to your data.
      http://www.hotsync.com/ for a solution to multi-user synchronization.

      New Products

      - A new IMAP4 / POP3 mail client is available at:

      - PIP The Pilot Installation Program Ver 1.00 beta is announced. PIP is a tool for managing, organizing, and installing programs and data files on the 3Com PalmPilot series of PDAs. For an evaluation copy see:

      - Visionary 2000 Clear Flip Cover is now available, including an FAQ and endorsment from Rick Bram of DOC and ZIP fame at:

      - TRG have released a new memory defragger, SuperPilot Defragger, for users of their 3Mb memory expansion boards. See:

      - PAC 1.0 has been released, and delivers the classic Pacman game to the PalmPilot.

      - The beta version of AirMiles 0.91 has been made available. AirMiles tracks your frequent flyer miles and helps you reconcile them against your statement.

      Tell us about your new product by emailing:

      Latest on the Web
      - The latest news and applications can be found at PalmPilot Gear:

      - HotSyncCSM by Yukinari Suzuki is a Control Strip module for Mac users that allow you to turn HotSync serial port monitoring on or off a single click from your desktop.

      - A set of links of interest to disabled PalmPilot users has been collected at:

      - Pilot Entertainment Zone has released a new text only site and:
      +6 E-COMIC ISSUES - Your favorite newspaper comics in pilot format
      +1 MUSIC SELECTION - familiar songs playable on your pilot
      +1 SPECIAL PHOTO ALBUM-Featuring Harley Davidson pics
      +4 IF ADVENTURE GAMES - Cask, Congratulations, Edifice, Bears Night Out
      +1 CROSSWORD PACK - 5 themed crosswords per package

      - Tim Warner has announced a new site, the Palm-Pilot Quicklist. Built for those who miss the speed and ease of Adams site but want the control they had with stingersoft.
      A very simple database created to organize the available programs for the Palm-Pilot and Workpad.

      - All your questions are answered at Calvin's PalmPilot FAQ:

      Send your web updates to:

      Sponsor's Message----------------------------------------------------------------
      PalmPilotGear H.Q. is the one-stop resource for all PalmPilot hardware,
      software and accessories. We carry a full-line of accessories for the
      PalmPilot, including custom cases, styluses, screen protectors and
      enhancements, and many other products that will make your PalmPilot
      easier to use. We also maintain on-line the most comprehensive database
      of PalmPilot software applications in the world, including commercial
      software and shareware. At PalmPilotGear H.Q. you can search for the
      software you need, download it and register it all in one convenient
      location. We even provide free email notification of new software
      available! You can purchase their software from us or contact the authors
      directly. If we don't have what you need, we will do our best to
      get it! And visit our web site at

      3Com News

      OfficeConnect® Remote Dual Analog Router From 3Com Enables Near-ISDN Speeds Over Standard Analog Lines.

      Stock Price:
      Last Sale: $38 1/8 Volume: 17,290,100

      PDA Wrap Up
      - Microsoft Ships Localized Versions of Windows CE Microsoft is releasing international versions of Windows CE 2.0 for the Handheld PC in five languages French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish to 10 original equipment manufacturers.

      - HP's new Windows CE 2.0 620LX device is rumoured to support VGA out natively, which will be a boon to mobile presenters.

      - Pen Computing has an article on handhelds for kids at:

      That's the lot for another week, remember to send us a note if you have anything to contribute. Special thanks to Sigrid for spell checking :-)
      If you haven't already done so, please visit:
      To subscribe for free and ensure you get your copy of PalmPilot News.
      If there is anything we can do to make this newsletter better, please drop us a line at:
      Thanks for reading!

      The Bystander Team

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